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since 2008

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Fracked Gas Wells - A Conduit of Pollution
Legal Action
NYH2O is back
PA DEP Determination Letters
Toxic Frac Brine
Water Testing
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We need all the help we can get. Learn how here.
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The only way to change things is to educate everyone.
A Few Facts About Fracking.

in DE, NJ, NY and PA get their drinking water from the Delaware River Basin.
in DE, NJ, NY and PA get their drinking water from the Delaware River Basin.

Fracking Can Contaminate Drinking Water
Over 80% of fracking chemicals, including carcinogens, are left underground. Fracking also releases radioactive materials and hazardous chemicals.
Over 80% of fracking chemicals, including carcinogens, are left underground. Fracking also releases radioactive materials and hazardous chemicals.

The Negative Health Impacts of Fracking Are Now Known
The DRBC's proposed ban will help protect the health of residents. Frack waste and infrastructure are also harmful and should be banned.
The DRBC's proposed ban will help protect the health of residents. Frack waste and infrastructure are also harmful and should be banned.

DCS is working on Solutions

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ip地址修改器:2021-5-30 · 速改通ip地址修改器可众一键设置电脑的ip地址,可众更换路由器ip上网地址,更改手机ip地址,同时支持用4G宽带上网卡更换ip地址;支持手动和自动更换ip地址功能;支持修改ip后同时更换电脑网卡mac地址,更换ip后自动投票或打开第三方软件;支持远程宽带多帐号拨号换ip地址; Those currently drafting the rules must be certain that these “prohibitions” amount to a total ban. DE, NJ, NY and PA residents, send your governor your views, they need to hear load and clear that we demand a ban. During that time, professional and scientific feedback must be presented to make our view absolutely clear to the commissioners. We’ve been working for 10 years toward a ban—and will not let up now. 怎样更换手机ip
Do we want this?

Or this?

Photo by Henry Fair
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Your support today helps DCS continue the fight for clean water, clean air and a healthy environment.

Your Donation Today Helps DCS in the Fight to Save the Delaware River Basin.
from the Threat of Fracking and Protect the Health of its Residents and the Quality of our Water and Environment, for Now and for Future Generations.

Contact DCS to receive a free.
WHAT’S IN THE WATER orFRAC SAND, WHY WORRY.. poster. No donation necessary.